Professor v trash talker
Professor v trash talker

Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Atlantic Airways, decided to capitalize on the misfortune of one of its key competitors and broadcasted a message intended to humiliate British Airways. In the final stages of construction as they erected the London Eye into place, they encountered some technical difficulties. While you may be familiar with the London Eye, what you might not know is that they had British Airways sponsor the construction. To celebrate the new millennium, the city of London constructed the London Eye, a giant Ferris wheel that sits on the shore of the River Thames. “Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength.” – Eric Hoffer Let’s analyze the impact of trash-talking in a corporate environment.

professor v trash talker

But how does it affect those who are the targets of such biting insults? Trash-talking is as natural as breathing to some people. From social media to C-suites to, yes, the White House! It seems everyone is ready to hurl an insult at the competition these days, right? But what are the effects of all this belittling and ridicule? It has seeped into our culture in general. Unfortunately this kind of behavior is not just limited to combat sports anymore and it’s not just for athletes anymore. The practice of boasting and insulting one's foes or competition, may be one of our culture's most beloved, and most reviled, phenomena.

#Professor v trash talker professional

If you know McGregor, you know that he is also a professional trash talker…uses foul language and extensive profanities against his opponents. In his post-fight press conference he apologized but asked a very important question, which really made me ponder.

professor v trash talker

Now, what followed after the match was not the best moment or the best side of Khabib. My homeboy Khabib annihilated McGregor, just like I predicted! McGregor tapped out submission in the fourth round. I am sure didn’t have to guess what fight I was referring to! Yes, it was the biggest fight in the UFC history, the UFC 229 Khabib Vs McGregor.

Professor v trash talker